Freelance Projects


Most of The Write Beat’s freelance creations were written under my favorite type of work-for-hire arrangement: a ghostwriting contract. Since a primary goal is for readers to think my client wrote it instead of me, I do not share those projects here. References and samples are available upon request.

Company Newsletters

Newsletter thumbnail
The Write Beat produced 42 issues of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Chamber of Commerce’s The Chamber Exchange newsletter until the organization hired a communications staff member and brought production back in house. Service included layout, editing, and partially writing this ten-page (plus sponser inserts) piece. Click here to download a sample of the former The Chamber Exchange.

Newsletters have also been created for Falk Funeral Homes & Crematory and the Upper Montgomery Joint Authority, both in Pennsburg, PA.

Promotional Materials

postcard mailing This four-part postcard mailing was created to tell environment-protection-focused non-profit organizations about the The Write Beat’s services. (Click on image to enlarge)

See also the Published Bylines page for a list of articles written for freelance assignments.