I, Ruth Heil, would be honored if you joined me on my quest to connect to the outdoor world in a meaningful way. Having observed environmental conservation issues for more than 25 years, and being an avid Nature lover for all of my life, I want to share what I’ve seen, learned, and felt in order to fortify this core belief: Nature requires our partnership, not our domination. Thus, I write to communicate accurate, credible, thoughtful, and timely information as it relates to the ecosystems that surround me.
The popular culture of America is forever being manipulated into buying this message: that an unregulated free market is a path to prosperity. Short-term interests wrongly force the public to choose between financial gain or Nature’s health. Too often it feels as if our love of Nature needs defending, as if we are too naive to understand “their” version of “economic gain.” Not here. Treading lightly on the earth may not be the easiest, most convenient, or cheapest choice, but for me, it’s the only choice. May those of us with such compassion and concern seek out logical and hopeful solutions, ones that elevate us to the place where environmental protection and robust wealth are united, because a healthy environment is fundamental to EVERYONE’S prosperity.
Mindful reflection, thoughtful gratitude, personal responsibility, scientific interest, and inner wisdom guide my perspective as I navigate our remodeled world in search of its natural foundation.
Learn more about me at RuthHeil . com