Blog Closure Announcement


I have announced today that both my Back to Basics and Today’s Walk Outside blogs have been taken offline.

Back to Basics Header

I really enjoyed writing these posts, but it’s time to face the fact that I cannot give the task the attention it deserves. The reason? I have started something completely new.

Saving you from the long story of how I got here, I’ve gone outside to work under the trees. I am now the owner and operator of Natural Renderings outdoor maintenance, which focuses on tending rural and naturalized properties. If that name sounds familiar to you, it’s because it describes the nature print artwork I still enjoy creating. You can learn more about all of this at

I will continue to maintain my membership in the National Writer’s Union, and I am still, happily offering ghostwriting services to a select few clients. However, with limited time, I now only write for those whose messages perfectly align with my own personal philosophy. Not only does this result in more efficient use of my time, the words hit my clients’ target more often. I hope to also get back to publishing articles on topics that are important to me (tree care in particular) in publications that can pay for the content. This aspect has been on pause for a number of years, but that doesn’t mean it’s ended.

Writing for these blogs over the past two decades has been a rewarding experience. I am grateful to all who read my posts, especially those who took the time to comment or consider my perspective. A writing teacher, Gabriela Pereiro, once said, “You have the ability to change people’s minds, to influence their thoughts and behaviors with nothing but your words. This is magic. It’s a superpower. Hold on to that.” I am still holding on, even as I let go of the old blogs.

With love,

Ruth Heil